
RA333® Flare Tips


![1]( to using [RA330®]( "RA330"), the Midwestern refinery had been using a refractory lined 310 stainless steel flare tip, and it soon became apparent that the design contained a number of major problems. With a low creep strength at temperature it was highly likely to become distorted whenever the refractory failed or there was flame impingement on the tip during low fire conditions, which could result in smoke following a change in the characteristics of the flare.

This made it difficult to get a reliable service during shutdown periods. It was also common for the refractory to break away from the tip and fall into the stack, which could have caused a serious blockage, resulting in an increase in maintenance costs. As the refinery attempted to extend the operating period between scheduled major shutdowns they required more reliable flares, which is why they opted for an RA330 flare that did not contain a refractory lining.

### After 3 Years Service the Flare Tip Was Like New

Flare Tips 1

The refinery first used the RA330® alloy flare tips in 1992 before a planned shutdown three years later. During the shutdown a new RA330® flare tip was installed before being taken down in 1999. After more than 3 years service, close inspections revealed the RA330® flare tip was like new and the only parts needing any repairs or maintenance were those made of 310 or HK castings.

A year earlier and the initial RA330® flare tip, which had been refurbished, was reinstalled on the other side of the refinery.

With a maximum capacity of 640,000 pounds of waste gas per hour steam injection is used to increase combustion of the hydrocarbons, which helps create a ‘Smokeless Flame’. Air infiltration, caused by the flame being blown on to the flame retention rings, could cause serious damage should the old refractory lining fail.

Resistant to Stress Corrosion Cracking

RA330® provides fantastic high temperature oxidation and flame impingement. The chemistry of the alloy nickel provides resistance to stress corrosion cracking along with oxidizing hot corrosive environments.

RA333® can also be used for radiant tubes, muffles, calciners and much more.

To learn more about RA330® contact us today!



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