
Maraging Steels in Automotive Shafts and Aircraft Landing Gears

Big names in the automotive industries thrive on the quality and strength of their cars to deliver on power, speed, robustness, reliability, comfort and ease to drive.**

All these niceties can in one way or another be traced back to the materials used. Let’s take the case of power and speed for instance, automotive manufacturers especially in the motor sport sector on rely the properties that alloys like Maraging steels bring; to deliver transmission from the engines to the wheels – combustion energy to mechanical energy for example. The same is true for aerospace industry users needing alloys with properties for highly stressed elevated heat parts of complex systems.

Material properties include high temperature strength, ductility, wear resistance, toughness, which are all inherent NeoNickel Maraging steels 250, 300 and 350.

Maraging steels are used mainly to make heavy duty transmission input devices, drive shafts, gears, axles, wishbones, landing gears, springs, tools, launch boards/vehicles, etc. NeoNickel alloy Maraging steels 250, 300 and 350 are readily available mainly in bar product form. NeoNickel offer many original equipment manufacturers and fabricators, supporting manufacture and production with in-house band saw cut-to-size value added service.

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