
Inconel® Alloys

Specialist Inconel® Alloys from NeoNickel display high levels of oxidation resistance and corrosion resistance when exposed to high temperatures.

Based on a nickel-chromium alloy with added aluminium, these alloys have properties which make them perfect for use in the heat treating industry.

What Are Inconel® Alloys?

Inconel® alloys are nickel-based alloys, enriched with chromium and iron. Engineered to deliver exceptional performance, they are renowned for their robustness in demanding environments.

The Importance of Trademark

‘Inconel®’ is more than just a name; it’s a registered trademark of Special Metals Corporation. This means when you purchase Inconel®, you’re buying a product specifically manufactured and branded by this company. The Inconel® alloys provided by NeoNickel are of the highest quality and authenticity, meeting the most stringent industry standards for reliability and performance. View our quality approvals here.

What is Special about Inconel®?

When it comes to selecting materials that offer unmatched durability and performance in extreme conditions, Inconel® alloys emerge as the superior choice with their:

  1. High-Temperature Stability: Can maintain their structural integrity at extreme temperatures.Inconel Alloys
  2. Corrosion Resistance: Inconel® alloys exhibit excellent resistance to oxidation and corrosion due to the presence of chromium, particularly valuable in environments exposed to extreme weather, saltwater and corrosive chemicals.
  3. Strength and Durability: Ideal for heavy-duty applications, because of their high tensile strength and resistance to stress-corrosion cracking.
  4. Versatility Across Industries: Inconel®’s properties make it versatile across various industries.
  5. Resistance to Extreme Pressure: This trait is particularly beneficial in deep-sea and aerospace applications, where pressure conditions can be incredibly intense.
  6. Low Thermal Expansion: Inconel® alloys have a lower rate of thermal expansion compared to many other materials; they do not change shape significantly when exposed to temperature variations, ensuring dimensional stability in precision applications.
  7. Ease of Fabrication: Despite their robustness, Inconel® alloys can be engineered and shaped to meet specific requirements.

Inconel® Alloys: Versatile Applications in Various Industries

Inconel® alloys have outstanding resistance to corrosive gases like dry chlorine (Cl2) and hydrogen chloride (HCl). This chemical resistance makes them a top choice in environments where such aggressive substances are prevalent.

Beyond their chemical robustness, Inconel® alloys are engineered to withstand continuous exposure to extreme temperatures and pressures without losing their integrity.

This enduring strength, coupled with a notable resistance to creep – the gradual deformation under high stress – makes Inconel® alloys indispensable in the following industries:

✓ Vacuum Furnace Fixtures: The ability of Inconel® alloys to withstand extreme temperatures without losing strength or shape makes them ideal for this application.

✓ Chlorination Equipment: Due to their exceptional corrosion resistance, Inconel® alloys can handle the harsh, corrosive environment typical of chlorination processes.

✓ Titanium Dioxide Plants: In the production of titanium dioxide, Inconel® alloys are used in the construction of reactors and other equipment, where their resistance to high temperatures and corrosive substances is essential.

✓ Jet Engine Exhaust Systems: The aerospace industry benefits greatly from Inconel® alloys. They are a key component in jet engine exhaust systems, where materials must endure high heat and pressure while maintaining structural integrity.

✓ Engine Thrust-Reverser Systems: Inconel® alloys are crucial for decelerating aircraft during landing. Their resilience under high stress and temperature fluctuations is vital for the safety and efficiency of these systems.

✓ Industrial Bellows and Expansion Joints: Inconel®’s flexibility and strength are advantageous in the manufacturing of bellows and expansion joints. These components often need to withstand temperature variations and mechanical stress, making Inconel® an ideal choice.

✓ Flare Stacks: Used in the petrochemical industry, flare stacks benefit from Inconel®’s heat resistance. These stacks, essential for burning off flammable gas, operate under extreme heat, where Inconel®’s properties ensure longevity and reliability.

✓ Seawater Components: In the marine industry, Inconel® alloys are used in various components exposed to seawater. Their resistance to saltwater corrosion makes them suitable for applications like propeller blades, submarine parts and offshore drilling equipment.

Inconel® alloys’ remarkable properties make them an indispensable material in demanding applications across a multitude of industries. Their ability to perform reliably under extreme conditions underscores their importance in modern industrial applications.

Types of Inconel® alloys

  1. Inconel® 600/ Alloy 600

Renowned for its exceptional resistance to chloride-ion stress-corrosion cracking.
Application: It is an ideal choice for applications in chemical and food processing industries, where corrosion is a common challenge.

  1. Inconel® 625/ Alloy 625

Distinguished by its high strength and resistance to aqueous corrosion.
Application: Its resilience in saltwater environments and ability to withstand high radiation makes it indispensable in underwater and high-radiation settings, such as marine and nuclear applications.

  1. Inconel® 718/Alloy 718

Best known for its high yield, tensile and creep-rupture properties.
Application: This alloy is a popular choice in the aerospace industry, particularly in jet engines and spacecraft components, where it ensures reliability under extreme temperature and pressure conditions.

  1. Inconel® 601/ Alloy 601

This alloy stands out for its high thermal stability and resistance to high-temperature oxidation.
Application: It is often employed in thermal processing equipment, including furnaces and heat-treating equipment, due to its ability to maintain integrity at elevated temperatures.

  1. Inconel® 725/ Alloy 725

Celebrated for strength and corrosion resistance, particularly in acidic environments.
Application: It is frequently used in oil and gas extraction industries, where it’s exposed to sour gas and high-stress conditions, proving its worth in harsh chemical and mechanical environments.

  1. Inconel® X-750/ Alloy X-750

Known for its resistance to relaxation at high temperatures.
Application: Ideal for applications involving high thermal cycling, such as nuclear reactors and gas turbines.

Each of these Inconel® alloys offers a unique set of properties, making them suitable for specific applications where conventional materials might not suffice.

Their strengths in resisting corrosion, withstanding high temperatures, and maintaining structural integrity under stress, make them invaluable in industries where performance and durability are non-negotiable.

Beyond supplying, NeoNickel offers customised solutions and expert guidance, ensuring that our Inconel® alloys meet the specific requirements of diverse applications.

Blogs of Interest

Inconel Alloy 625 Vs Inconel Alloy 718

The Properties of Metals and Alloys & How They Affect Use

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the strongest Inconel® alloy?
Is Inconel® better than titanium?
Is Inconel® rustproof?
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